Pokémon League Cup

Pokémon TCG League Cup

Pokémon Company

€ 17,00

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Lieferung 2-3 Arbeitstage


Date: 01/03/2025 

Entrance Fee: 17€ - Each player gets 2 booster packs + 1 extra booster that is going to the top cut players and judges


Doors & Registration: 1O AM
First round start: 10:30 AM


Format: Standard
Rounds: Best of 1 + Top 8 cut


Venue:  ´t Spelgeweld, Noordstraat 41, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium


A deck list is required. Deck list can be sent in by mail or handed to the judges on the day of the event


For further info please contact our head judge


Tinka Vanpoucke

e-mail: tinka.vnpck@hotmail.com